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Journal Title  : Prosiding AnSoPS (Annual Symposium on Pesantren Studies)
E-ISSN  : 2746-1238
DOI Prefix  : -
Editor in Chief  : Ahmad Sholihuddin
Publisher  : Unit Pusat Ma'had Al-Jami'ah IAIN Kediri
Frequency  : 1 issues per year 
Citation Analysis  : Moraref | Google Scholar | Garuda

This proceeding consists of a collection of research papers that have been presented and discussed in the National Seminar "Annual Symposium of Pesantren Studies" organized by the Mahad Al-Jami'ah Center of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri.

This ASOPs proceeding contains research results related to relevant pesantren studies such as:
1. Curriculum, education and teaching
2. Pesantren governance and policies
3. Gender and prevention of radicalism
4. Literacy and moderation
5. Innovations in pesantren.

Terbitan Terkini

Vol 3 (2024): Prosiding AnSoPS (Annual Symposium on Pesantren Studies)
					Lihat Vol 3 (2024): Prosiding AnSoPS (Annual Symposium on Pesantren Studies)
Diterbitkan: 2024-12-16


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