Transformation the World of Work in Educational Environment in Facing the Development of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Goals


  • Riyadus Sholichin IAIN Kediri
  • Qumil Laila Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri


Artificial Intelligence, Education, Sustainable Development Goals


Seeing the rapid development of digital technology, causing major disruptions that cannot be avoided. This development has an impact on technological transformation such as artificial intelligence. As we can feel, technology is slowly taking over the world of work, one of which is in the field of education. This is slowly causing unemployment in several sectors and the possibility of losing their jobs.

So this research aims to measure the impact of artificial intelligence in the education sector. Where education is an important object of sustainable development. This research uses a descriptive analytical approach method with literature study. Data collection techniques were obtained from library sources in the form of books, scientific journals and relevant proceedings.

Thus it can be concluded that technological transformation has both positive and negative impacts. Artificial intelligence can improve the essence in various areas of the world of work. The educational aspect of realizing quality technology can be seen from building a sustainable nation.


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