The Relevance of Arabic Language Education Towards Quality Education

The Perspective of Imam Ghazali in Sustainable Development Goals


  • Ukrowiyah State Islamic Intitute of Kediri
  • Muhammad Busronul Arif State Islamic Intitute of Kediri, Indonesia
  • Maziyyatul Muslimah State Islamic Intitute of Kediri, Indonesia


Arabic Language Education, Imam Ghozali's Perspective, Quality Education, SDGs


Indonesian people's interest in Arabic language education is currently still very low due to the perception that it is difficult to learn Arabic. In fact, if combined with Imam Ghazali's thoughts about Arabic as the language of the Qur'an which is a source of knowledge among Islamic communities, in particular, Arabic has a major contribution in producing a generation of scholars who have strong morality and character. Based on this, is there any relevance of Arabic language education to quality education from Imam Ghazali's perspective in supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with literature studies and uses data collected from various journals, articles and relevant literature. It is hoped that this research can guide various institutions, policy makers and the public in understanding the importance of Arabic language education in achieving sustainable development goals and supporting the improvement of a more holistic and comprehensive education system.


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