Exploration of Teacher Perspective on Artificial Intelligence among Ministries of Religion in East Java


  • Muhammad Zidni Ilman Nafi'a Politeknik Mercusuar Indonesia
  • Mila Yunita


Artificial Intelligence, Teacher Perspective, Islamic religious education


Artificial Intelligence has proven to bring changes in various aspects of life, including in the world of education. The Ministry of Religious Affairs in East Java as an institution that oversees religious education is predicted to be affected by AI advances. This article aims to explore madrasah teachers' perspectives on AI technology. This study used a qualitative approach with structured interviews. Data collection involved 50 in Kediri City. The results showed that teachers in the Ministry of Religious Affairs in East Java have diverse views towards AI technology. Some teachers positively welcomed this advancement as an opportunity to enrich the learning process and improve the efficiency of administrative work. However, some teachers view AI as a professional threat. Other findings show that teachers are not familiar with AI. In highlighting this, future research needs to find intervention strategies to improve AI usage skills that are relevant in optimizing educational functions.


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