Bridging Islam and Science

An Approach for Human Development


  • Siti Patonah Mohamad Universiti Malaya
  • Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli
  • Asmawati Muhamad
  • Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh


Human development; , Islam and Science; , Sustainability;


Islam is a complete religion that provides comprehensive guidance to its followers in various aspects of life. Islam encompasses not only a belief system but also a way of life that covers spiritual, moral, social, and legal aspects. Amid the current global crisis, it is crucial for the international community to acknowledge and comprehend the connection between Islam and sustainability. Islamic teachings have considerable relevance to the concept of Sustainable Development, as they provide ethical and moral guidance that can address social, economic, and environmental challenges. The primary objective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to promote sustainable development that preserves the well-being of both the Earth and its human population; to address a wide range of global challenges and to ensure that development is conducted in a way that minimizes harm to the planet and its people. Concurrently, human development must be equipped with the right approach; a multifaceted process encompassing the entire lifespan and involving physical, cognitive, emotional, social, cultural, and environmental development. This paper will elucidate the Islamic viewpoint on human development and its relevance with the integration of Islamic principles and science within the educational framework. The integration of Islam and science in education is a crucial undertaking that fosters human development. It cultivates individuals, who possess the knowledge, values, and abilities to lead ethical and purposeful lives, while making constructive impacts on their communities and society in general.



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