Concept of Marketing in Philosophy and Islamic Law


  • Nurmahmudah Nurmahmudah IAIN Kediri


Marketing, Marketing of Philosophy, Islamic Law


The concept of marketing philosophy is one of the marketing concepts to keep pace with the fast-changing business environment, where marketing itself must be seen as "dealing with the market" which requires business people to act dynamically. The orientation is the customer so the company must always maintain the stability of its interaction with the market. In line with the episetmology of the philosophy of logical empiricism, that empirical sciences must always pay attention to reality as symptoms of phenomena that must be observed in continuity to obtain hypotheses that are objectively true universally, not only logically correct language but also have meaning or meaningful to reality. Islam itself in answering this problem in order to realize the company's goals, especially with the concept of marketing philosophy, from the descent of Islamic teachings has paid attention to the provisions that must be obeyed in order to keep both parties from losses and provide benefits for both of them in a long or long period of time


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