Annual International Conference on Islamic and Science Integration (AICCII) <p><strong>International Conference on Islamic and Science Integration </strong>is a scholarly proceeding aimed to provide a platform for both established and early-career researchers. It is published annually by International Office and Partnership, Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia. We proudly present Annual International Conference on Islamic and Science Integration. We cordially invite researchers, lecturers, teachers, students, and practitioners to participate in this conference. This conference invites outstanding speakers from various universities and countries. This proceeding accepts papers from the fields of Islamic Studies with the scope: Islamic Studies, Education, Philosophy, Communication, Psychology, Economic, Islamic Law and Technology with submissions accepted throughout the year. Papers are all subject to peer review before being accepted for inclusion.</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Journal Title</strong></p> </td> <td> <p><strong>: International Conference on Islamic and Science Integration </strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>E-ISSN</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: xxxx-xxxx</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Frequency</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: 1 issue per year</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Editor in Chief</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Managing Editor </strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Email</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: <strong></strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Publisher</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>: International Office and Partnership</p> <p>Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> en-US (Abdul Rosyid, MA) (Zaenatul Hakamah, Lc, M.Hum) Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Management and Development of Productive Waqf In The Hospital Publicly Health Centre (PKU) ‘Aisiyyah Boyolali City <p><em>Waqf managing and enhancing the property is the productif process from waqf itself. Waqf is either made by Nazhir or cooperate with other parties in achieving Waqf's objective. Research aim is to understand the management and development of productive waqf that exist in the hospital "PKU 'Aisiyyah" Boyolali. It is a qualitative study through descriptive analysis. Data analysis relies on descriptive, analytical and concluding methods. Within Productivity Management Waqf, has a management strategy. Management has four things to achieve its success, planning, organizing, directing, and also supervision. PKU 'Aisiyyah Hospital develops productivity waqf by land expansion, upgrading hospital tools, providing assistance to who are entitled to receive assistance and conducting treatment. In its management, management of Waqf Hospital should be more thorough in its management process and pay more attention to collecting data on Waqf productivity outcomes. In its development, productive Waqf enhancement programs have to be improved.</em></p> Miftahul Huda, Indra Sholeh Husni, Nisa Fatikhah Merdekasari, Ahmad Suminto, Nusa Dewa Harsoyo Copyright (c) 2023 Miftahul Huda, Indra Sholeh Husni, Nisa Fatikhah Merdekasari, Ahmad Suminto, Nusa Dewa Harsoyo Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Relevance of Arabic Language Education Towards Quality Education <p>Indonesian people's interest in Arabic language education is currently still very low due to the perception that it is difficult to learn Arabic. In fact, if combined with Imam Ghazali's thoughts about Arabic as the language of the Qur'an which is a source of knowledge among Islamic communities, in particular, Arabic has a major contribution in producing a generation of scholars who have strong morality and character. Based on this, is there any relevance of Arabic language education to quality education from Imam Ghazali's perspective in supporting the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with literature studies and uses data collected from various journals, articles and relevant literature. It is hoped that this research can guide various institutions, policy makers and the public in understanding the importance of Arabic language education in achieving sustainable development goals and supporting the improvement of a more holistic and comprehensive education system.</p> Ukrowiyah, Muhammad Busronul Arif, Maziyyatul Muslimah Copyright (c) 2023 Ukrowiyah, Muhammad Busronul Arif, Maziyyatul Muslimah Wed, 08 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Konsep Pendidikan Kepemimpinan Menurut Al-Qur’an <p>Tujuan Allah menciptaan manusia adalah sebagai kholifah. Dalam menjalankan peran tersebut, manusia harus memiliki kemampuan menjadi kholifah yang kompeten, sehingga mampu memimpin dengan adil bijaksana. Kholifah yang bijaksana dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan kehidupan adil, aman, dan sejahtera, sebagaimana tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Lembaga pendidikan menjadi salah satu tempat yang berperan mencetak kholifah. Penelitian ini membahas konsep pendidikan kepemimpinan yang terdapat di surat Shod ayat 26. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, jenis kepustakaan (Library research). Data primer ; Tafsir Ibnu Katsir, Tafsir Al Azhar dan Tafsir Jalalain. Data sekunder, semua kepustakaan yang relevan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu memaparkan apa adanya sesuai maksud teks tafsir, kemudian menyimpulkan makna teks tersebut. Hasilnya; untuk melahirkan pemimpin kompeten, konsep materi yang diajarkan adalah; cara mengambil keputusan, pemahaman tentang kebijaksanaan dan kebenaran, serta bagaimana mengelola emosi.</p> Ika Romika Mawaddati Ika Romika Mawaddati Copyright (c) 2023 Ika Romika Mawaddati Ika Romika Mawaddati Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Teacher’s Feedback Strategies on Students’ Speaking Performance <p>Giving feedback is one of a teacher’s duties when teaching speaking. This paper, therefore, describes the teacher’s strategies to deliver her feedback on her students’ speaking performance. This study used a descriptive qualitative design. The researchers collected the data by interviewing a speaking lecturer and three students, distributing questionnaires to twenty students and observing an EFL speaking class of an English language education department at a private university in Jombang, Indonesia. The theory of Miles and Huberman was used to analyze the data. The result shows that the teacher used recast, explicit correction, explicit correction with metalinguistic explanation use, repetition, and elicitation. The teacher did not use metalinguistic cues and clarification requests for her feedback strategies to avoid students’ confusion. The result of this study is hoped to be able to be a reference for EFL speaking teachers when delivering feedback for their students’ speaking performance.</p> Mukminatus Zuhriyah, Maskhurin Fajarina Copyright (c) 2023 Mukminatus Zuhriyah, Maskhurin Fajarina Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Integrity of Arabic Language Education in The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) <p>The important role of Arabic language education in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or sustainable development includes quality education and integrity. This research aims to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by Arabic language education as an effort to achieve SDGs in Indonesia which focuses on educational integrity. The research method used is qualitative through a library approach that focuses on related literature. The results of this research state that Arabic language education has the opportunity to have integrity and has the potential to support the SDGs in Indonesia to ensure the availability of effective learning and a relevant curriculum. However, the biggest challenge is the lack of resources and accessibility of Arabic language education in various regions in Indonesia. So the role of government, society and educational institutions is needed to work together to build the integrity and values ​​of the SDGs.</p> Muhammad Fikri Almaliki, Sovia Fahraini, Maziyyatul Muslimah Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Fikri Almaliki, Sovia Fahraini, Maziyyatul Muslimah Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Arabic Language Education Integrative Curriculum IAIN Kediri <p>Low access to quality education which results in low quality education is a world problem that needs to be resolved through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or sustainable development. Apart from that, there is also a lack of awareness among universities regarding the suitability of the curriculum to sustainable development issues and its application in an integrative curriculum. So this research is to investigate the implementation of SDGs in the IAIN Kediri Arabic Language Education integrative curriculum as an example of a progressive approach to integrating sustainable values ​​in Arabic language learning. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods through observations of the learning process and interviews with lecturers and related students. So, SDGs implementation can be realized through selecting learning materials, learning methods that include a project-based approach, and measuring learning outcomes as a consideration for understanding the SDGs through problem-solving and critical thinking.</p> Sovia Fahraini, Muhammad Fikri Almaliki, Maziyyatul Muslimah Copyright (c) 2023 Sovia Fahraini, Muhammad Fikri Almaliki, Maziyyatul Muslimah Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Exploration of Teacher Perspective on Artificial Intelligence among Ministries of Religion in East Java <p>Artificial Intelligence has proven to bring changes in various aspects of life, including in the world of education. The Ministry of Religious Affairs in East Java as an institution that oversees religious education is predicted to be affected by AI advances. This article aims to explore madrasah teachers' perspectives on AI technology. This study used a qualitative approach with structured interviews. Data collection involved 50 in Kediri City. The results showed that teachers in the Ministry of Religious Affairs in East Java have diverse views towards AI technology. Some teachers positively welcomed this advancement as an opportunity to enrich the learning process and improve the efficiency of administrative work. However, some teachers view AI as a professional threat. Other findings show that teachers are not familiar with AI. In highlighting this, future research needs to find intervention strategies to improve AI usage skills that are relevant in optimizing educational functions.</p> Muhammad Zidni Ilman Nafi'a, Mila Yunita Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Zidni Ilman Nafi'a, Mila Yunita Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Bridging Islam and Science <p style="font-weight: 400;">Islam is a complete religion that provides comprehensive guidance to its followers in various aspects of life. Islam encompasses not only a belief system but also a way of life that covers spiritual, moral, social, and legal aspects. Amid the current global crisis, it is crucial for the international community to acknowledge and comprehend the connection between Islam and sustainability. Islamic teachings have considerable relevance to the concept of Sustainable Development, as they provide ethical and moral guidance that can address social, economic, and environmental challenges. The primary objective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to promote sustainable development that preserves the well-being of both the Earth and its human population; to address a wide range of global challenges and to ensure that development is conducted in a way that minimizes harm to the planet and its people. Concurrently, human development must be equipped with the right approach; a multifaceted process encompassing the entire lifespan and involving physical, cognitive, emotional, social, cultural, and environmental development. This paper will elucidate the Islamic viewpoint on human development and its relevance with the integration of Islamic principles and science within the educational framework. The integration of Islam and science in education is a crucial undertaking that fosters human development. It cultivates individuals, who possess the knowledge, values, and abilities to lead ethical and purposeful lives, while making constructive impacts on their communities and society in general.</p> Siti Patonah Mohamad, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Asmawati Muhamad, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Patonah Mohamad, Durriyyah Sharifah Hasan Adli, Asmawati Muhamad, Shaikh Mohd. Saifuddeen Shaikh Mohd. Salleh Fri, 10 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Islamic Business Ethics on Business Development According to al-Ghazali <p>This article aims to find out how the concept of business ethics based on the perspective of Ghazali which can be a reference for small and medium-sized micro enterprises. Research conducted in the form of descriptive using literature studies and discussing the results of previous research. The results of this research explain that Islamic business ethics for Muslim entrepreneurs must be carried out in accordance with applicable Islamic rules and refer to Al-Ghozali's 8 ethics. The business that is run is not only to pursue the benefit of the world but also to strive for the welfare of the afterlife by not forgetting worship when carrying out business activities. A sharia-based business is a business that is run by adhering to Islamic principles, the way it is carried out and the way in which assets are managed are properly regulated by religion.</p> Soritua Ahmad Ramdani Harahap, Ahmad Suminto, Ahmad Iqbal Copyright (c) 2023 Soritua Ahmad Ramdani Harahap, Ahmad Suminto, Ahmad Iqbal Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Concept of Marketing in Philosophy and Islamic Law <p><em>The concept of marketing philosophy is one of the marketing concepts to keep pace with the fast-changing business environment, where marketing itself must be seen as "dealing with the market" which requires business people to act dynamically. The orientation is the customer so the company must always maintain the stability of its interaction with the market. In line with the episetmology of the philosophy of logical empiricism, that empirical sciences must always pay attention to reality as symptoms of phenomena that must be observed in continuity to obtain hypotheses that are objectively true universally, not only logically correct language but also have meaning or meaningful to reality. Islam itself in answering this problem in order to realize the company's goals, especially with the concept of marketing philosophy, from the descent of Islamic teachings has paid attention to the provisions that must be obeyed in order to keep both parties from losses and provide benefits for both of them in a long or long period of time</em></p> Nurmahmudah Nurmahmudah Copyright (c) 2023 Nurmahmudah Nurmahmudah Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Economic Growth to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals Modern Era through Scheme at Rumah Zakat Indonesia in the BUMMas Program (Social Enterprise) <p>Indonesia's economic growth is still strong. First quarter 5.03% (yoy), Entrepreneurship is still the central pillar in economic growth, the Indonesian government targets 4 million at around 3.47% of the population. At the same time, developed countries are 8.5% like Singapore. Modernization is a breakthrough to increase production growth in micro businesses to create new jobs considering the unemployment rate is 5.45% of the number of workers, SDGs are ideas for sustainable development, especially the economic pillar. BUMMas Rumah Zakat is the idea of economic empowerment across the archipelago. Ministry of Finance data on 23 January 2023 almost 5 million still use the services of loan Rentenir (Loan Sharks). Descriptive qualitative method, obtained samples from beneficiaries, secondary data from article books, Rumah Zakat reports, and primary data interviews from one of the assistant managers of the Rumah Zakat branch. BUMMas consists of scheme (1) micro agro and business, modern economic empowerment for productivity, scheme (2) Microfinance financing Rahmatan Lil Alamin, BUMMas appreciation out the poverty rate in Indonesia 31 August 2023 and plays a full role in realizing Indonesia's SDGs, Rumah Zakat data shows the number 0.66 is categorized as good, Micro businesses no longer use the services of loan Rentenir (Loan Sharks).</p> Bambang Hermantoro, Binti Mutafarida Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Hermantoro, Binti Mutafarida Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pendidikan Sebagai Langkah Awal Mencapai Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) di Indonesia <p>Education is a forum for guidance for children to adults which aims to provide broad knowledge for provision in community life. Of course, the quality of education that has good quality is in the spotlight, because basically the quality of education is not only pursued through the role of one party, but also from the role of various parties. Having an educated community is the first step to develop development in other fields. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the field of education in striving to create quality education to achieve SDGs. The method used in this study is to use qualitative methods of literature studies obtained through journals and articles. The conclusion obtained is that the field of education can be used as a first step to achieve SDGs (Sustainable and Development Goals). This is because sustainable goals certainly require an educated society. Therefore, education is able to guide the community from an early age so that after adulthood he is able to become an agent of change.</p> Nur Maria Setyorini, Alrista Qhori Asmonah Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Maria Setyorini, Alrista Qhori Asmonah Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Transformation the World of Work in Educational Environment in Facing the Development of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Goals <p>Seeing the rapid development of digital technology, causing major disruptions that cannot be avoided. This development has an impact on technological transformation such as artificial intelligence. As we can feel, technology is slowly taking over the world of work, one of which is in the field of education. This is slowly causing unemployment in several sectors and the possibility of losing their jobs.</p> <p>So this research aims to measure the impact of artificial intelligence in the education sector. Where education is an important object of sustainable development. This research uses a descriptive analytical approach method with literature study. Data collection techniques were obtained from library sources in the form of books, scientific journals and relevant proceedings.</p> <p>Thus it can be concluded that technological transformation has both positive and negative impacts. Artificial intelligence can improve the essence in various areas of the world of work. The educational aspect of realizing quality technology can be seen from building a sustainable nation.</p> Riyadus Sholichin, Qumil Laila Copyright (c) 2023 Riyadus Sholichin, Qumil Laila Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000